you fucking idiot

Nail in Wood
Bottle Opener

It's just a Nail in Wood! And it opens a bottle!

And it's $25.90! You stupid fucking idiot!

Buy it!

Buy this opener. It costs $25.90 and it's a fucking nail and a piece of fucking wood.

You dumb asshole.

I can't believe you're going to buy this for $25.90, but buy this fucking thing.

Buy it already!

It took like 2 minutes to make. It's a nail and wood. And I'm tricking you into to buying a $2 item for $25.90. But it's rustic and it will look like your dumb rustic kitchen shit. So buy it, dumbass.

Buy it now!

Why are we still here?
I made it. You buy it.
It's a stupid fucking thing that you need to put in your stupid fucking house. Let's go!!!

Buy it! Buy it! Buy it!